Re: [CH] quick recipe: marinated chicken breast

Mark McHugh (
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 15:13:13 -0500

Michael Bailes wrote:
> (OK How manyUS Americans are going to admit they dont know where Tasmania is?)
> Michael Bailes.
> Herbarist

> "Poor man, he just stands and stares at a yellow flower for minutes at a
> time.
> He would be far better off with something to do."
> Charles Darwin's Gardener
> ****************************************************************

I, as an American, have known where Tazmania is since I've been 7 years
old.  I had to find out from where the furry Warner Bros. dervish came
;).  Was disappointed at how unlike the cartoon character the actual
animal is.

Mark McHugh

Omnia quia sunt, lumina sunt.  E=mc˛