Re: [CH] quick recipe: marinated chicken breast

lukasz (
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 22:26:39 +1000

Porter Banister wrote:
However if I find myself in Oz and
forget its location, would you suggest I ask some nubile young
chile maiden
if I can have a look at her 'map of tas'?
Porter ?
Only if you are driving down Hunter street in Newcastle in a FJ
and then as any good Newcastle boy knows "if there's a break in
the traffic" ----  Vroom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
Last time I asked one I got a Shiner and it wasn't one of those
Boutique US Beers !  
On Topic --Ahem ............
Has anybody out there got a set of plans for a small Chile
Roaster ??? 
			Luke in Oz