[CH] Fido (Dave Hughes, Dave Sacerdote and Jim Weller)

Ginny Short (vshort@uaex.edu)
Wed, 23 Sep 1998 08:38:21 CDT

> Many of the members of this list (me, Dave Hughes and Dave Sacerdote to

Small world, Dave. I'm on the "Dinnertable list" with Dave Sacerdote 
and Jim Weller. Jim Weller send me "Bluewave" QWK reader. I've 
contacted Karen to set up my Fido in the cooking conference. I also 
use to be on Rime. Still am through Internet and Agent software. 
However not much traffic in the cuisine conference. 

I couldn't find your e-mail address Dave or I would have e-mail you 
instead of going through the list. 

My e-mail here at work is vshort@uaex.edu or home ginny@cei.net.   

Telephone # 671-2096 at CES 

To quote John Ruskin,
 "Kind hearts are the garden, 
Kind thougts are the roots,
 Kind words are the blossoms, 
Kind deeds are the fruit."  

The Clock of Life is wound but once
To lose one's health is sad indeed.
Place "no" faith in "tomorrow" for the clock 
    may then be still