While sifting thru what remained of my Hard drive I noticed a post on Frost - .......... A mate of mine has a couple of thousand Lemon Myrtle plants in for to get the Essential oil from ,, He tried a Product the name/and basic ingredients of which i shall post in due time .. The theory goes if there is a frost predicted one is supposed to spray this on the plants which can be affected .. the night before . Its KA-Ka - and expensive Ka-Ka at that as well. Basically the product failed to live up to the promise, he lost the sprayed plants that were likely to be affected . funny thing though he has some cayennes and fresnos that have survived for years in the same area and the fresnos have also now been planted by Tony Flynn in NZ at a more southerly lattitude. on another item the next growing season here in oz is looking like a wet one, is there a preferred mix for pot plants in this situation ? Luke in Oz