I used to be able to get jars of Mancini Roasted Jalapenos around here. Now I can't find them anywhere. I can find Mancini brand Roasted Red Peppers, but those are just the sweet ones. Does anyone have a source for Roasted Jals or other roasted hot peppers? I've tried to do my own, but they just don't seem to come out as good. I know there are a few chile-heads here in Springfield, Illinois so if you know of a place here in town all the better. Any good mail order places will have to work if not. Mary Lu Sexylegs@2-hot.com If you can not lose, then you can not win! http://members.aol.com/Sexylegs4U/index.html http://members.tripod.com/~Sexylegs/index.html http://members.aol.com/LilKanga/Poohs.html