[CH] Effects of Capsaicin

Wed, 14 Oct 1998 15:27:18 -0700

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Greetings fellow ch'rs.  I've recently gotten into discussions with friends 
about the effects of the burn received while ingesting chiles.  I've always 
thought that burning sensation was not in fact a true "chemical" or "heat" 
burn, but more a stimulus of the nerve endings.  I thought this is different 
then a mustard or onion type heat, which is a physical burning of the body 
tissues.  But this theory dosen't explain why rashes would develop from 
prolonged exposure to capsaicin on the skin.  Could someone please expound on 
this in more detail?  Also, what is the effect of the very real "warming" 
effect in the tummy after a hearty savina laced chili meal?

Don (my cat wont even let me pet him after handeling with chiles) Dillon
