[CH] trick or treat

michele curley (mohawkturtle@earthlink.net)
Fri, 23 Oct 98 18:24:39 -0700

hehehehe .... the devilish mohawk be comin out in this chile head what 
with halloween comin up and all .... anyone think of making mini jack (or 
jill) o lanterns using habs? .... you could decorate the outside and fill 
them with .... something .... damn! makes ya wanna have a halloweeny 
hotluck just to try it! .... i s'pose you could always carve the little 
buggers .... but who has the patience?

so, what could a devilish chile head fill a hab with? .... tasty would be 
nice but given the theme it should also be gross .... not gross tasting 
just gross looking ... and how about jalapenos sliced long like little 
coffins .... fill them with sumthin and set them on a platter with the 
lids closed over top (you could even scorch them black) .... or a pumpkin 
decorated usin chiles? .... 

i wish i had some victims i could try this on! .... trick or treat 
indeed! .... heeheehee

michele 'habbing ghoulish thots' curley