[CH] re: Made at home salsa

Mike Pierce (mpierce@martel-intl.com)
Thu, 03 Mar 1988 22:35:51 -0600


How were the romas? My experience with store bought tomaters is about the
same as your store bought jals. Yuch. I had some fresh salsa (probably made
with canned toms) at a place here in Olathe called Somberos. They brought
the usual mild stuff, I asked if they had anyting hotter. The waiter asked
if I wanted hot or extra hot, well, 'course I went fer it. Took a bite, wow
that ain't no jal, it's a hab, great fruity, citrusy, flavor then ouch
that's really hot. Great stuff, tastes of fresh habs, I recomend it highly.

Re: entrocte. If I remeber my French right, isn't that liver? In which
case, it doesn't matter pork, beef, or Anthony Perkins, yuck. I'd put it
right next to Green's green bells.