Re: [CH] Como se dice.....

John Benz Fentner, Jr. (
Sat, 04 Mar 2000 23:57:22 -0500 wrote:
> Now this is strange.  I happen to have two cans.  La Costena (that's an n
> with the squiggle!) calls them Chipotle Peppers.  Herdez calls them
> Chilpotles. I was just about to open a can to mix with cream cheese and smear
> on celery sticks (a single woman eats strange things for dinner).  Should I
> make my choice based on spelling?

I think the difference depends on whether it's the Mexican
or California spellings.  I got a bottle of Bufalo Chilpotle
(2 L's) from Mexico City and a bottle of Bufalo Chipotle (1
L) from California. Same stuff, same company, different
spellings depending on origin. 

John Benz Fentner, Jr.
Unionville, Connecticut, USA
"Lex Non Favet Delicatorum Votis"