[CH] Re: 52nd Anniversary

Sun, 5 Mar 2000 01:20:28 EST

Doug (and Marie)!

Congratulations on 52 years of wedded bliss ... (?).  Mary-Anne speaks 
frequently of you and your cooking skills -- sounds a lot like us, although 
you've been cooking longer, and the results sound a lot better, too!  
Seriously, we wish you the best on this very special day, and only have a 
couple of suggestions -- first, continue to cook well and enjoy the results 
of your efforts, and, second, enjoy the very special relationship that you 
have developed and that can only exist between two people who have seen so 
much, experienced so much, and, most importantly, shared so much.  Happy 
Anniversary, and keep on cooking and enjoying all that life gives you both.

Much Love and Respect,

Steve and Mary-Anne Durkee