[CH] Calling all cooks

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 13:59:21 -0600

<< Gareth (who WAS nominated by Deb) >>

<Sir Gareth, the doctor nominated for what prey tell....:-)>

I nominated Gareth for Calling All Cooks way back when they first asked for
nominations.  I also sent in a few other names at that time.  Calling All
Cooks is a Food TV show that for the most part I think is kinda lame
actually now that I've watched it some and esp. since they hadn't contacted
any of my nominees yet <smile>...maybe things will get better now that they
have been in touch with Saint Jim.

Deb in Houston

P.S. Hey Marianne, how's the new business going?  Got any chilehead products