I think Judy Howle has several green chili recipes and white chili, too. Check out her page and see if you don't find something you like. I've not made any of her recipes that didn't come out surefire. http://www.ebicom.net/~howle/ She may also have green chili recipes at her Suite 101 site, that url is http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/hot_and_spicy_cuising And then there is the ultimate in Chili recipe pages at Graeme Caselton's site, of course (more green chili recipes than you can count plus excellent and vast general chilehead information): http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~gcaselton/ (main page) http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~gcaselton/chile/chili.html (829 chili recipe database) Deb in Houston Will Wrote: "Anyone got any exceptional recipes for green chili? I have made a few batches that were OK but want one with medium to hot heat and great flavor..... Have experimented and come up with some good ones in the past but want to know if someone has a surefire recipe....."