Re: [CH] Habanero Hummus

Buffalo Sue (
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 11:19:51 -0600

I have never tried it with canned chick peas, but I think it would
be fine.  You will need to adjust the amounts of the ingredients 
because 1 lb of dried peas makes much more than 1 lb of cooked peas, 
so if using a 1 lb can, use much less tahini, etc.  

I got a great suggestion from Gareth the Chilenight to use half of
the tahini and add onion (tahini is very high fat, and the onion
replaces the moisture lost by reducing it).  I haven't tried it yet,
but it does sound good.

Feel free to experiment, and let us know how it turns out!
Buffalo Sue

"Mild is a four-letter word..."

Sandy Olson wrote:
>     Would I be struck by lightening if I used canned chick peas in the hab
> hummus recipe?