Renee Watson (
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 15:22:37 -0600

Gary Sinnen wrote on 2/28/00:

> 1) Has there ever been a Minnesota hot luck.

Oh, yeah, you betcha!!
... some held in both Minneapolis and Little Falls. And, of course,
if in name only, the 1st IA/MN/KS Hotluck -- which was held in Ames. 
The ones I got to were loads of fun. 

> 2) Is there enough interest to attempt to get one together.

Where two or more are gathered should be considered sufficient 
interest for a hotluck. But... you bet, a big crowd of 
chile-heads sure makes a better party.

Count me in when there's a hotluck in Minnesota. I plan to 
attend the 2nd IA/MN/KS in KC...hope to see you there, Gary.
