[CH] Re: Drying Peppers

green56 (green56@PioneerPlanet.infi.net)
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 21:35:54 -0600


Consider *my* order placed.  When can I expect it?

Please, tho... do consider an "Essence O'Calvin's green Powder"
fragrance...  Could eat until I pop...

Uhhhmmm...  PeeWee was packing the "Homme de'Hickory Smoked Chilpolte"...

You should know better.  green would NEVER go off into the sunrise with a
bell-scented (reaching for kidney pan) man...

I'll follow a guy ANYWEAR that's wearing "Essence O'Calvin's" or "Homme de
Hickory," but into the shower...  THAT'S for the birds!

Knuck-Dragger Donaghey wrote:

> Green-
> Nothing I can "come up with" (aside from placing the proverbial finger
> in the back of the throat) could top a blind date with a
> green-bell-cologne-packing PeeWee.  Just goes to show--- some of us
> chileheads must be frustrated Hitchcock-esque script writers.
> On Topic-- (you knew I'd get around to that sooner or later)  I think
> essence of Aji Amarillo might be a very seductive fragrance.
> "What's that fragrance you're wearing?  It's driving me mad."
>         "Oh..it's O'd'Aji."
> "When do we eat?"
> Calvin