[CH] More on choco habs

Dave Hendricks (bvdrangs@enter.net)
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 06:30:00 -0500

Well, everyone was surprised at receiving their chocolate habs after 
church yesterday. I went through the box of them and washed and 
sorted. I managed to get two trays of the largest ones through my 
smoker before shutting it down around 8PM. I tossed a few chicken 
legs in the smoker too, just in case the habs got lonely. Guess 
who has one less meal to make this week? I cleaned and chopped 
the medium ones and put them in ziplocks in the freezer. The last 
of them we packed whole, in ziplocks, to take to CH co-workers. 
Doesn't hurt to get them in the mood to return the favor sometime.

The habs seemed to smoke nice and I put them in the drier 
(unventilated) to dry the rest of the way. It's about 6:30AM and I 
can smell them drying. I am on the second floor, I wonder what it is 
like in the kitchen? No problem, I have to go there and get a 
jalapeno bagel with jalapeno/olive cream cheese.

Off to work..........
