[CH] Aspartame: Slightly off topic & Late: X-Files?

MICHAEL E GARDNER (absolutelywater@juno.com)
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 23:21:19 -0600

Mark, Missed this post earlier, just saw it while copying recipes out of
back issues.  In "Your Bodies Many Cries for Water, your'e not sick
your'e thirsty" (NOT written by a CH), Dr. Batmangheldi (sp), M.D., notes
that aspartame (nutrasweet) is broken down by the liver to two
components: Wood Alchohol and Formaldehyde.  Yummy!  The book is
available at health food stores.  I try to drink only distilled water,
milk, & if I must drink pop, I drink it with REAL sugar; at least I know
what it does.  Since upping my water intake to three quarts to a gallon
of distilled a day in January of 1997, I have been able to quit taking
allergy meds.

Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 08:46:36 -0500
From: =Mark <mstevens@exit109.com>
Subject: Re: [CH] X-Files

At 09:36 PM 12/20/99 -0500, Byron wrote:
>Here is one draw back that has recently surfaced, The artifical
sweetener in cola's are made from a soy derivative. Over 100,000 folks
that are drinking more than a 6 pack a day are getting symptoms of MS or

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