Re: [CH] Aspartame: Slightly off topic & Late: X-Files?

Tom F. Bryant (
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 09:12:45 -0600

Dr. Batmangheldi (sp), M.D., notes
that aspartame (nutrasweet) is broken down by the liver to two
components: Wood Alchohol and Formaldehyde.  Yummy!  The book is
available at health food stores.  I try to drink only distilled water,
milk, & if I must drink pop, I drink it with REAL sugar; at least I know
what it does.  Since upping my water intake to three quarts to a gallon
of distilled a day in January of 1997, I have been able to quit taking
allergy meds.

Michael, et. al.
    I've been using a no-calorie sweetener called "Splenda" (sucralose). (Go
to <> for info). It's essentially "inert", non-toxic, and tastes
zackly like sugar.

Happy chiles,