[CH] To New Gardeners Part 1

Byron Bromley (Byron.Bromley@gsd-co.com)
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 23:36:47 -0500

Now that you have your seeds started the next thing you are going to be
doing is planting out.

Peppers are very sensitive to soil temperature so here are some plant out

1. From Stokes and Johnny's seed cataloge. Growers guide,Transplant with the
soil temp is at 60F

Here I suggest a compost thermometer, cost about $12, Plus or minus 2 deg F
is close enough.

2. From phenology, Source "The New Seed Starters Handbook" by Nancy Bubel.
Transplant peppers when peonies are in full bloom

3. From Jerry Bakers "On The Garden Line"
When you can walk in your garden in your barefeet comfortably.

4. From a Brit Gal on Gardenweb forums.
  "When you can sit in your garden with a bare bottom comfortably"

Personal opinion, I use items 1 and 2, When my peonies start to bloom I
stick my compost thermometer in the ground. I use this thermometer because I
don't have to bend over so far to read it.

Personal opinion items 3 and 4, from some of the photos I have of seen of
some CH, item 3 would take at less than 1/2 the time to wash up afterward
than item 4.

Now these are very low tech methods of getting the job done. It works. You
are welcome to use any or just hit the delete key, your option
