Re: [CH] steer poop & impotence

danceswithcarp (
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 20:13:09 -0500

From: "c. watson" <>

> Think of what castrated bulls are fed in a feedlot. Now imagine where this
> junk goes. While the dung composts nicely, the hideous chemical additives
> largely stay put until they're sucked up by plants along with the
> These are not things we want to eat eh?

Heh-heh.  My guess is whatever it is I get a much purer dose of it in the
medium-rare steak that comes from the steer that I sprinkle peppers and
sauces on than I will get out of some pepper I raise in the poop.

Heh.   Cow.   Mmmmmmmm.
