[CH] Hot-dogs, scarified, with moles

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 10:50:52 -0500

Steve M Duddy wrote:
<<If any-one gives a recipe for "Hot -Dogs"  I'm leaving.  Cancel the
subscription.  I mean really!  How did this get here anyway?>>

I know it is a cultural differences thing, but this did make me nauseated
and very very sad, wish it hadn't been posted here.  Maybe appropriate for a
dog breed-specific rescue list.  I probably could have overlooked it ok as a
cultural thing except that it went into the torture part.

On the lighter side, Steve also wrote:
<<I'm suffering from a major mole problem.  Any suggestions?>>

There are some really good cover-up cosmetics on the market these days, have
you tried those? wink

Re: scarification.  Gareth is right about the nail file working best with
the bigger morning glory seeds that I plant in fairly small numbers
especially now that they are volunteering so well.  The sand paper idea
sounds good, too.

Deb in Houston