Re: [CH] FW: Tofu Linked To Mental Decline In The Elderly

peter gaffney (
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 20:09:41 -0700

e-e-e-ea-sss-yy there Doug ,
  this "tofu-u-u-" stuff  obviously DOES have some sorta effect on
old farts .......... like yourself.   it makes you "testy" about
but hey ... don't jump out of the window ( you live on the ground floor
it's just not worth it !
   my "middle-aged" ( pre-tofu-declination ) pseudo logic prevented me
from perusing the aforementioned news item. i just *knew* it was dopey.
   frankly, i suspect that "un-CHile-fied-GM-soy-tofu" is the likely
culprit here. of course, we'll never know ... until they start to label
food products based on content.
meanwhile, adjust your chile content WAY up.
whadaya got to lose ?
later ( i hope )
peter g