[CH] Sausage Recipes

Fri, 7 Apr 2000 08:43:50 EDT

In a message dated 4/00 6:21:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, bigjim@atlantic.net 

<< http://home.att.net/~g.m.fowler/frame/Sausage1.htm >>

I'm here to tell you that "Southwest Sausage" may be the best site of it's 
kind that I've ever visited.  Almost every sausage recipe that I looked up 
(and it has just about all you could dream up) calls for CHILES in the 
ingredient list.  And it has small call types like blood (black) pudding 
which I've been dying to make (plus de arbols or serranos.)  Listen to Big 
Jim (bigger than my Jim Campbell?), and visit.  Even if you never plan to 
make stuffed sausage, you'd love to make some patties from this list.
Finally, (gasp, think he really means finally?) many recipes call for pork 
butt at 4 lbs and pork FAT at 2 lbs, or a two to one ratio across the board - 
imagine, if you're an ancient like me, making sausage WITHOUT the enormous 
FAT quotient.  My gawd, I'm back eating sausage again, out where a friend is 
a friend,  where the ......
Gareth (with a big thanks to almost as big as our Big Jim)