Re: [CH] grub worms

Calvin Donaghey (
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 23:01:46 -0500

According to Howard Garrett (Dallas Horticulturist/entomologist/writer), the
bad grubs are the ones that hatch into the brown June bugs, and they eat
plant roots in their second and third cycles.  They can be controlled by
beneficial nematodes.  They can be confused with the grub of the Green June
bug, which eat only decaying vegetative matter.  When you lay a green bug
grub on the sidewalk, he crawls away on his back.  The bad ones crawl on
their stomach.
PS- they're very good fish bait for all panfish and many other fish.  Also,
our cat comes running when I dig in the garden because she likes to EAT them.

Mary Going wrote:

> Hi Judy  - long time no hear - Dave Dewitt suggests tilling the soil
> repeatedly to expose the worms so the birds will eat them. Of course, if
> it's your yard, or if you've already planted, that might be a bit tricky.
> - mary
> At 01:36 PM 4/14/00 -0500, Judy Howle wrote:
> >Does anybody know of an organic way to get rid of grub worms
> >(besides digging them out!)??
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