[CH] Re: Don Pablo's

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 06:16:35 PDT

>From: green56 <green56@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>

>We've Don Pablo's here.  They rate - to me - only a skoshe above Chi-Chi's
>and Estaban's.
>A chain.

Same here, my dear.  I've tagged along to a few office lunches at some of 
their locations here in town.  They sometimes have a decent hot salsa if you 
ask for it, but it's really just the house stuff with extra jalapenos.  Once 
or twice, though, it did have more kick than that.  The table sauce is 
Choula (sp?) which is not bad, but way too salty for my taste.  The beans 
taste strongly of bacon, which some people might not like (plus it makes me 
wonder how much fat they put in).  I'd rate them as upper-mediocre.

- A

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