[CH] Re: hotluck attendance

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Sat, 22 Apr 2000 23:47:41 PDT

>From: green56 <green56@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>

>I never knew about hotlucks until joining this list.  And when I went,
>well, I went because...

My first hotluck was the first firey foods festival in Madison, IN.  I had 
been on the list for a few years, and seen postings about hotlucks far away 
from me, and when this Indiana event came up, I thought it was within range. 
  I gotta tell you I am very glad I took the initiative to get off my butt 
and go out to meet fellow slaves of the flame.  As others have said here, it 
is a nice experience to actually have a face-to-face encounter with people 
otherwise known only through e-mail.

Plus, no one goes to these things empty-handed.  We're kind of like 
chilehead hippies in that way, all contributing to a communal effort.

Anyone else here been to a Rainbow Gathering?


Ommmmm, I will now meditate upon the Cosmic Hab ...


- A

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