[CH] Finally a use for Dave's Hot Sauce

Tue, 25 Apr 2000 10:21:40 EDT

I know some of you do this already but I'd like to share . . .
What do you do with that bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce (besides fool 
'friends' and remove paint)???
I mix it with other so-called 'hot' sauces that have great flavor but not 
quite enough heat for my taste.
I recently did this with 'Wild Blue Yonder' , a flavorful blueberry hot sauce 
that isn't quite hot enough for me (but more than hot enough for my wife).  A 
couple of dashes of Dave's into the WBY bottle, shake and VOILA!
A GREAT pancake sauce!
I find myself constantly mixing store bought sauces with usually good results 
- weird I guess, but does anyone else do this???

Steve in 'sunny and dry - for now' New Hampshire