RE: [CH] News item

Mary & Riley (
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 18:11:43 -0700

> From: Dave Drum []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 5:43 PM
> To: Mary & Riley
> Cc: ChileHeads
> Subject: Re: [CH] News item

> Hmmmmmm..... I'll have to cross this into the FIDO Cooking Echo. We've
> been discussing "hot" as a taste to go along with salt, sour, sweet and
> bitter. We have determined that heat does modify the flavour of a food.

receptor--and a special one at that, birds don't have it.  No doubt it
influences taste--I find a lot of food fairly tasteless if someone's
hammering on my toe, for instance.  :)

The article (Scientific American, April 2000 pg 34) is a short piece and
doesn't go into detail.  I'd imagine that the glutamate receptor is similar
in location, activation and function to the other taste receptors.  However,
as all ChileHeads must know, you put a pepper on or in other parts of the
anatomy and you're gonna feel it!  On the other hand, if one rubs, uh, bacon
all over oneself one doesn't experience the sweet salty taste.  At least I
imagine this to be true.

To me it seems to add a not a taste, but another dimension to taste.  My,
hmmm, guess that makes it $.04.

