[CH] Aji Amarillo seeds available

Michael Bowers (mkbowers@wiley.gsm.ucdavis.edu)
Sat, 29 Apr 2000 19:09:47 -0700

About 2 weeks ago I got this message:

>Sasha McInnes here.  I've recently returned from Peru and brought several
>kilos of aji amarillo with me - it's all now processed and in my freezer but
>I have quite a few seeds I'd be happy to give away.

	She wasn't ready to deal with a flood of mail, but I have kids who can
stuff envelopes, so if you'd like some, send me a stamped self-addressed
envelope (if you're out of the US, contact me about alternatives ...do they
still have IRC's (International Reply coupons)??).  I've got about a cup full,
so everyone can get 10-20 or so.  

Send to:

Mike Bowers
PO Box 72891
Davis, CA  95617

Even though it's kinda late to be starting seeds here, I may toss a few in some
mix and see how viable they are.

Mike Bowers				Owner, Chile-Heads list
Chile Heads:  http://chileheads.netimages.com/