Re: [CH] personality

Andy (
Wed, 10 May 2000 00:18:12 -0400


I agree with your comments on Hotlucks, but I feel its only half the story.

The few hotlucks that I've been to have also been great social events.
That a group of often mostly strangers and often of diverse backgrounds
can get together and have a great time, in celebration of the Chile, is a
bit remarkable:   Chile for world peace?

At these Hotlucks, I haven't met a ChileHead that I didn't like.


=Mark wrote:

> <snip>
> I've always tried to explain to non CH listmembers that ChileHeads in
> general and Hotlucks in particular are not about testosterone drenched "I
> can take more heat than you" type of chest thumping. They are rather an
> attempt to see how creative we can be at incorporating heat and spice into
> good tasting dishes.  Chomping on raw habs is but a small portion of what
> constitutes the Chilehead lifestyle.  Sure we can appreciate the pure
> entertainment potential of a wannabee chilehead trying his first bite of
> "The Bread," but ultimately what counts is flavor...
>                   =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens
>                 @ @
>                                   @ ICQ# 2059548 @
>    <snip>