[CH] chile-heads@globalgarden.com

Mon, 15 May 2000 19:18:27 GMT

At 12:00 PM 5/15/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Did you guys see the article on the frontpage of the Wallstreet Journal today
>about hot sauces. It feature Dave Lutes of HotShots and talks about the
>ultrahot sauces.
>The title of the article is "In the Hot-Sauce Biz, When You're Hot, It May Not
>Be Enough"
>Good article. They even quote my buddy grant.

They also mention the "Burnt Cat Hair" Effect, but don't bother to explain what 
it is..

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

                @ http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens @
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