[CH] Shepherd's Sterile Chilpeno Seeds

Thu, 25 May 2000 23:36:20 EDT

<< Did anyone get these things to sprout?  I bought $16 worth and had zero
 germination rate.  I'm pissed.
 John J. Knoll  chiefsfan@peoplepc.com >>

Not one sprout, not one.  Same potting soil that got 4 Biker Billy's from 
Dan's 20 seeds, got all seeds to sprout (romas and tomatillos) from 
Tough-Loves seeds, not one single sign of life from Shepherd's Chilpeno 
mules.  Oughtta be a law against selling sterile seeds.  By the way, Lord 
Byron suggested the variety.  Driving to the Granite Pile, holding Shepherd 
exorcism kit out car window.

Gareth the ChileKnight