[CH] Miscellaneous

Steve M Duddy (timetiles@icon.co.za)
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 17:48:51 +0200

About the dogs.... They may do this because you try to chase them out
yelling and threatening swift dog death.  A great dog game!  :)  They love
the extra attention.  Also, all this digging and special attention paid by
you to this patch of ground must mean something!  (Bet he's hiding super
dooper bones in there, hey Pal, lets have a look)  After all if it's
worthwhile to "God" it must be worthwhile to your dogs, at the very least.

The Wilderness
Three Dog Night, and day after day.

PS. I've solved my problem by fencing my property into two halves.  The go
ahead and dig yourself bunkers part and the part with the moles.