[CH] Weekend Finds---"Big Lots"

Myron Menaker (myronm@bellsouth.net)
Mon, 05 Jun 2000 16:33:23 -0400

Dear CH'ers,

Found these "goodies" at the local "Big Lots" over the weekend:

"Not Cool" - habanero sauce - 5 oz. - 69¢ (marked XXX-tra hot and it
"Not Cool" - chipotle sauce - 5 oz. - 69¢ (marked medium --- very
"Seeds of Change" - smoked pasilla salsa - 99¢ - quite hot and nice!
"Seeds of Change" - "Jamaican Jerk" salsa - 99¢ - not ultra-hot, but

(Saw the "Not Cool" on the web for $4.99!)

Randy, you'd better hurry on down if you want any of this---it's a-goin'

Myron at the beach

PS Send rain....we're going to burn up! Fire hazard..."extreme!"

.:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. 
Myron Menaker                      Daytona Beach FL USA
myronm@bellsouth.net     |    
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            "World's Most Famous Beach"           |
.:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:.