Re: [CH] white leaves

Robert Farr (
Wed, 07 Jun 2000 13:41:28 -0400


Red Savs. and Habs like filtered shade during the hottest part of the
day.  A couple solutions:

1.  Put up some old sheets w/ holes in them.  Support them over your
plants w/ sticks.

2.  Plant some fast growing annuals around your peppers; I use Amaranth
(but sometimes regret it because it self sows pretty effectively).

3.  Plant your peppers so the the leaves interweave, thus shading the
soil and creating a friendly microclimate (this is based on the work of
John Jeavons - bioIntensive).  Plant your Habs and Red Savs. in the
inside, so they get shaded somewhat by the taller plants.

Let us know how you work this out!
Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
for ALL Natural Hot Sauce!