Re: [CH] V6 #197 putting out fires
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 09:59:39 EDT

In a message dated 6/00 8:33:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
<< >IPAs, being particularly hoppy, contain lots of hop oil.<
 The amount of oil is insignificant, even in dry hopped cask conditioned 
beers. >>

Even so, is it most people's experience that IPAs (India Pale Ales) cut the 
burn, or not?  Or, with regard to Rosengarten's test, do Rolling Rock and 
Brooklyn Brewery brews diminish the fire for most ChDs, or not?
I'd sooner use a beer of any type with a bowl of red, or a super stoked 
chicken cacciatore, or tetrazzini than milk, or yogurt, or ice cream.  Dairy 
products may reduce the flames best, but a bowl of chili and a glass of milk 
would be emergency treatment only.  Gimme a beer.
Gareth the ChileKnight