[CH] putting out fires

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 15:39:31 -0500

Best in emergency conditions for me as always:  Banana
Try a flame control taste test.
And it is more portable than frozen or dairy.
Deb in Houston

<< Milk contains casein, a lipophilic (fat-loving) substance that surrounds
and washes away the fatty capsaicin molecules >>

No one can argue with the science.
BUT David Rosengarten (FOODTV) did a program on beers that help, don't help,
make the burn worse and concluded - Brooklyn Brewery Lager and (believe it
not) Rolling Rock markedly reduce the burn.
My favorite, the estimable "Black and Tan" made it worse.  Where's my
where's my ice cream, where's my milk?