Re: [CH] watering question

Lukasz Electronics (
Tue, 13 Jun 2000 00:10:59 +1000

Suz wrote:
A guy from the nursery told me that when the sun shines on the drops of
water on the leaves of plants, it's like a magnifying glass and will
It also tends to shorten the life of painted surfaces, (speaking from
professional experience)..

FWIW a Green keeper once told me that they hose off the dew on Bowling
and Golf Greens in the mornings to stop fungal diseases from

If we had Squirrels in Oz they would be called bush Tucker, so "Suzie
get your Gun"..

Here are a couple of recipes from Last year that Uncle Steve posted 
Luke in Oz 
        Re: [CH] Squirrel chile
        Wed, 6 Oct. 1999 11:25:53 -0400
        Uncle Steve <>

   Squirrel, along with rabbit, is one of the most popular of small
but it is much more varied when it comes to edibility.  If the squirrels
have been eating acorns, which can be judged by the area in which they
taken, they should be soaked in 1 tablespoon vinegar per quart of water
overnight before cooking.
   Squirrels have scent glands in the small of the back as well as under
all four legs.  These, of course, should be removed.  Do not remove all
the body fat; some should be left for flavor.  A young squirrel's meat
pink to rosy in color while raw; it turns a darker red as the animal
If you think you have an old, tough animal, soak it in 3/4 cup salad oil
with 1/4 cup lemon juice for 1 hour before cooking.  Many people use
squirrel to stretch upland game bird recipes, and squirrel is frequently
substituted in chicken recipes.
   Gray squirrels dress out at about 1/2 pound, fox squirrels around 3/4
   Some people tell the age of a squirrel by checking the underside of
tail in a good light.  If there are two or three dark bands running the
length of the fur on either side, it's a young one.  Older squirrels
only one such band.

{ Exported from MasterCook Mac }

Squirrel Jambalaya

Recipe By:
Serving Size:   1
Preparation Time:       0:00
Categories:     Wild Game       Squirrel

Amount  Measure Ingredient      Preparation Method
1               Squirrel, medium
                Salt and red pepper
3       tb      Oil
2               Onions, large, chopped
3               Celery stalks, chopped
1               Garlic clove, chopped
1/4             Bell pepper, chopped
4       tb      Parsley, chopped
2       c       Uncooked rice, washed
1 1/2   c       Water
2       tb      Salt
1       tsp.     cayenne pepper

  Cut squirrel into serving pieces and season well. Sauté in oil until
  brown; remove from skillet. Sauté onions, celery, garlic, bell pepper
  and parsley in oil until wilted. Replace squirrel in skillet; cover
  and cook slowly about 20 minutes or until squirrel is tender. Add
  rice and water. Stir thoroughly. Add salt. Cook slowly about 30
  minutes or until rice is cooked. Hugg's Note: Browning rice in hot
  oil, almost as one makes a roux but more golden, gives a distinctive
  taste and appearance to jambalaya. Tried and proven! Also for: Add
  more than 1 squirrel or use wildfowl, rabbit, nutria etc.

Squirrel Stew No. 1

Recipe By:
Serving Size:   1
Preparation Time:       0:00
Categories:     Wild Game       Squirrel

Amount  Measure Ingredient      Preparation Method
1               squirrel, cut into 7 pieces
                salt and pepper to taste
2 1/2   tablespoons     butter
7       cups    boiling water
1       teaspoon        thyme
1       cup     corn
3               potatoes        cubed
1/4     teaspoon        cayenne
3       medium  onions  sliced
2       cups    canned tomatoes with juice

Roll the squirrel pieces in flour, salt, and pepper.  Brown in butter. 
squirrel and all other ingredients, (with the exception of the
to the boiling water, cover, and simmer for 1 to 2 hours.  Add the
and continue to simmer another hour.

Squirrel Soup

Recipe By:      Mrs. Amelia Williams
Serving Size:   1
Preparation Time:       0:00
Categories:     Wild Game       Squirrel

Amount  Measure Ingredient      Preparation Method

  Skin the body, cut off the feet and head, clean the inside and wash
  body well. Let the body soak overnight in water to cover, to which
  1/2 tsp. salt has been added. Boil about 10 minutes, then discard
  this water. Boil in fresh water about 2 hours or until done, and
  cool. Bone, and cut up the meat into small pieces, saving the broth.
  Cut up one small onion and 1 large or 2 small potatoes and add to the
  broth, Return the meat to the broth also and cook until vegetables
  are done. Season to taste. This is an old-time recipe. In today's
  cooking, one may add whatever vegetable you wish to the soup.

  And Chile-Heads add several hot chile of your choice :-)