Re: [CH] DeCon for Squirrels

Sojourner (
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 01:48:30 -0500

Suz wrote:
>  What would be the consequence of
> putting that DeCon out for the squirrels to eat?  I assume the squirrels
> would go into their hole to die, thereby not posing a problem with the
> coyotes or birds spreading the DeCon. 

Don't count on it.  They're as like to crawl up under your house
somewhere inaccessible and die there.

My cats eat squirrels.  Yes, eat.  The little buggers were all over the
place when I first moved here (26 acres, about 2/3rds wooded).  You
couldn't even find a PINE cone, let alone acorns or hickory nuts.  It
was like NYC for squirrels.

I don't have a problem with squirrels anymore, and there are going to be
acorns for the turkeys for the first time this fall (I've got pine cones

Most cats won't bother with a squirrel, but mine were abandoned by their
former owner to starve so they learned to hunt them (they do it in
pairs).  But a little terrier would be a holy terror to squirrels.

> I'm at my wit's end.  I HATE SQUIRRELS!!!!

But ... but ... but, they're GREAT with chilis!

Holly ;-D
Contrary Peasant

If you see the Bhudda by the side of the road . . .
give the poor slob a lift, his car probably broke down.

    ( MOO! )

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