[CH] Manure tea, an observation

byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 08:00:43 -0400

Some folks might know that here in the Nor'east it has very wet the last 4
months. Good breeding ground for early blight - cold and wet.

I set my tomato plants out around June 5th,
somewhere around the 10th, we had 2 days without rain.
My plants looked dreary, so I gave them a foliar feeding of manure tea.

About 1/2 my plants had early blight already started.
The manure tea seems to have KO'd the early blight.
Even with a lot more rain, only 1/2 my plants have the first row of leaves
affected, Even had some heirlooms not touched by blight. Plants that had
some started, the blight had not spread.

Maybe it will help with chiles too
