>At 05:35 AM 7/11/00 -0700, you wrote: > >> > > mean the Great Pumpkin is going to appear this year? Allright! > > >maybe. As a lark I planted a few heirloom seeds from someone who got them >from someone who got them from someone who said they'd grow 450 pound >pumpkins. I put in 5 hills in soil that was overgrown lawn last year >that I had plowed this year to expand the garden. I always heard that >first-year sod-soil was the berries but this is ridiculous; One plant is >over twenty feet long right now and at the edge of the Red Savina patch, >and it only has two flowers on it so far. The others are bigger than any >squash plant I've ever had. I told Pat I was going to cut the big one >back this AM in order to save the habs but it's raining so I'll have to >postpone. I'm telling you the leaves on this thing are bigger than my >beer-gut and I am starting to be afeared. > >How do you get a multiple hundred pound pumpkin over a fence, >anyways? If I can figure it out and the rabbits, squirrels and >groundhawgs don't wipe me out and the squash-borers pass us by, maybe >there will be a Great Pumpkin there. > > >carp ps: does anyone know how to get these lines out of a response through Eudora Pro mail program? I want carats instead and can't find a switch? Off list, of course.