About two years ago I got the absolutely best plum sauce recipe from the chile head archives, but cant now find it. Can someone direct me to the current archives so I can try to relocate this wonderful recipe?. It used plums, peaches, vinegar, hot chiles, sugar, and ginger, (perhaps also garlic and onions) took a long slow cooking time, and needed to be aged before use. It is wonderful. Does this sound familiar to anyone? probably this one (actually, I'm sure, as it's the only one in the archives...): http://chileheads.netimages.com/recipe/gils_plum_sauce.rcp -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mike Bowers Owner, Chile-Heads list chile@wiley.gsm.ucdavis.edu Chile Heads: http://chileheads.netimages.com/