[CH] Rocoto

Suzanne (suz@avana.net)
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:25:11 -0400

Just so you don't feel alone....it took my rocoto until the second year
until it set fruit.  It flowered late in the first year (it was already
inside the house) and the flowers dropped.  Now it is loaded with golf ball
sized peppers and is quite large.  I am wondering how it will do inside this
winter!  I am thinking I'll have to prune it back pretty substantially.
    Anyway....it is up there on the "yay" list for this year's garden.  It
took some extra time, but it payed off.
The other peppers in the garden are doing well, but the red carribeans are
suspiciously turning orange.   Oh well I can use them all and that is what I
get for not growing my own plants.
Hope all is going well for others and I am still waiting for that rain you
promised Northerners!

> Hi C-H's,
> Chet Bacon wrote:
> >"Still waiting for my rotocos to flower" - year 2
> That is a long time, but not unheard of however.