Think you got critter problems, check this out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have three bears a momma and two babies, now I have a cougar...the nature ppl said dont go into the garden, today of all days too!!! theres no weeds are now bigger then my tress.....oh well, guess ill do my windows on the inside, so I can see all my lovely weeds.....sigh! i woke up this morning to see about 6 deer sleeping in my garden, right in it, several were eating my plants while lying down, if i was eating my dinner while lying down I wouldn't be called cute! hehe I took the deer as a sign that the bears and big cat were NOT in my neighbour said the baby bears were drinking outta her pool, she said they were so sweet and then promptly closedc all her doors and blinds just in case the momma was around ( she's always around). last year a bear tried to get into a neighbours house, he heard the dogs and put both paws on the sliding door and tried to push it freinds hid in the cuboard! we are a brave lot, we canadians:) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stolen from Garden Web. I think I would looking for some freezer rental space. Lord Byron Cicero, ' De gustibus non est desputandam'