[CH] Growing tip

byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 13:39:02 -0400

On topic, my peppers are starting to wilt from the hot and dry. The peppers
are drying on the plant, while they are still green. I have started watering
them, but it is hard to do so far from my house. Anyone have any good links
for making ristras? Saundra in North AL

A growing tip

Get as much compost as composted manure into your soil as you can. While
organic material is rotting down, it also holds a lot of moisture. This will
reduce the amount of water you need, and transpiration by plants during high

Additional benes include, most plant nutrients, beneficial bacteria, allows
roots to breath, reduces flooding, and wind erosion,

Also known as soil tilth

Want to read more about soil tilth

Click on current studies
