Re: [CH] Not chiles - - squash

Chet Bacon (
Sat, 22 Jul 2000 08:38:07 -0400

Give the bees a chance, also try no to spray the flowers with any kind of
"bug" killer.
Poisions get brought back to the haive and can cause more damage then one
bee dying.  I have had whole hives wiped out because of one farmer's
spraying techniques.  Remember suash, cukes, and others in that family
"need" bees, and other insects to pollinate them.   Clear flight paths also
help, so if you can provide them with visual sight of the patch that helps.
Hope I have been some aid in this if not to you to the bees.


Angel Cooper wrote:

> Hello CHer's.
> I have a squash question.  I have 3 different types of squash planted -
> zuccini, round and sun drop.  The problem is that they have lots of
> blossoms and blooms but no actual squash.  I have had problems with bugs
> so that I have been using bug be gone on them.  But I have been careful
> to use it in the late afternoon after the bugs have gone.
> I went out this morning and the bees were busy at work in the flwers.
> Any suggestions for me  to what to do?
> Angel

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