[CH] Re: Eating slugs

Mark McHugh (mchugh@internet-stat.net)
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:02:36 -0500

Sandy Olson wrote:
> Some people have more of everything else than they have of brains!  Even hot
> peppers wouldn't help this mouthful!
> SandyO
> CH #1146, of the moderate persuasion who never eats anything that is still
> crawling

Speaking of brains, I bet they'd be good with grilled habs with swiss on rye. 
The brains' crispy fluffiness with that sweet heat.  I may have to run to the

Brain sandwiches are one of those odd regional specialties.  Here in the
St.Louis area we have toasted ravioli and brain sandwiches.

Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!