[CH] need help identifying chile

Dave Hendricks (bvdrangs@enter.net)
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 06:28:19 -0400

LAst fall a co-worker gave me some small chiles. He identified 
them as Thai Peppers. They are small (1/2"x1/4"), sort of like a 
chiltepin only somewhat pointed instead of oval. Since they were 
small and I only had about a dozen, I put them in a small bowl and 
forgot about them. I recently came across them and tasted one. 
They are definitely hot! I was figuring of saving them until spring and 
trying to grow some but would really like to identify them. A scan of 
some is located at:
The pencil in the scan is for reference to size. Any help on this will 
be appreciated. I asked him again what they were and his best 
answer was "Thai Chiles". He swears that they are hotter than 

Dave Hendricks