[CH] Cincinnati Chile Follow-up, Prestigious Chile Related Memorabilia and Glad To Hear it, Gareth

Sun, 6 Aug 2000 14:24:15 -0500

Jez, why don't I just write the whole message in the Subject line? Forgive me if I ramble a little. I am in viral and fever induced fog. Which is actually one thing that I wanted to post about. Not being sick. That is no big deal, just chile related something that I have found to help me feel better. 
I made Cincinnati from the recipe posted here last week(?). I must say that of all the recipes I have tried this one does come closest to the real thing. Maybe just a bit heavy on the Chile Powder (how can you use too much chile powder!) and a little thicker than I was used too but definitely very good. So I got sick the morning after I made it. Not from the chili but from my wife. My throat was really sore so I had a big bowl of chili with Thai Dragons and some Boule de Torques ( hot hot cherry type peppers) and my throat starting feeling better. So for the last few days everytime my throat hurts I eat chili with chiles. Great excuse anyway. 
	For those of you who want a real prestigious chile related piece of equipment Porsche is coming out with a SUV in 2002 called the 'Cayenne'. Maybe they'll come out with a souped version called the 'Savina'.
	And, finally, I am happy to that your Biker Billies are doing well, Gareth. I do so love those. I really thought they were everything they were hyped up to be. Great for slicing, pickling, frying, drying and dicing.

May you all have enough sun and water and good soil.
Byron, I have been doing a rain dance in reverse for you!

The Chile Cheese Head,
Dan McWilliams