[CH] nice de Witt suprise

Tara Deen (tara@es.usyd.edu.au)
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:16:32 +1000

I have just come back from lunch with my office mate. We were off
looking at an archaeological exhibition in a nearby book store, and she
left me there completely unsupervised. That's always a really bad idea
in a book store, I'm a lot poorer now than I was a couple of hours ago!

BUT, I had a lovely suprise in finding a couple of Dave de Witt and paul
Bosland's books there! I am now the proud owner of a copy of 'Peppers of
the World' by de Witt and Bosland, and what a beautiful book it is too.
They also had de Witt and Bosland's Pepper garden, but I'm not sure
whether there's anything I can learn in that one that I haven't already
or can't learn from the list. What do people think of that book?


Tara Deen
School of Geosciences
Division of Geology and Geophysics
Building FO5
University of Sydney NSW 2006
Phone: 61-2-9351 4271
Fax:   61-2-9351 0184
Mobile: 0410 538 655
email: tara@es.usyd.edu.au